Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Idon'tknow :/

This friendship is going nowhere, it's already obvious. Babe, where are you? Where were you when I needed you most? I texted you like, a hundred times, you never replied. But.. nvm, maybe you're too busy.

I miss you. I need you.
I need to see you, like gilaaa ahh, you know I've always waited for this 2 weeks holiday just to meet you guys.
But bilaa dah balik, nothing. Yeah, I know kita dah plan and all that. But when I called you, you did'nt picked up.  And now cuti is almost over, contact pun tak, apatah lagi text. Babe, kenapaa? Phone rosak eh? Waduh~
You can say I'm a little bit dissapointed, ehh bukan sikit. Banyak. Cause you know what? I've been daydreaming every single day, that when I came back, we can like hangout or something, but now my dream was just a piece of blank paper, yes I'm sad. Truly and really. Kita sedih sangat, cause kita berharap sangatsangatsangat dapat jumpaa korang  cuti ni. Tapii malangnyaa cuti nii, dah tak bermakna pape lagi bagi kita. And yeah, i've texted you I, tapi kenapa kau macam naktaknak je? Kau taknak jumpaa aku ke?
Haih, sedangkan aku kat sini macam orang gilaa nak jumpaa kau weyh.

Weyh, aku sedih laah everytime fikir pasal 'our friendship' ni. Why do I always have that feeling yang this is really over? No, aku taknak tu. Sumpah aku taknak. Tak pernah pun terlintas kat fikiran ni yang benda camtu akan berlaku. What happen to US? Why is everything all falling apart. You guys changed, alot.
Please don't change, I want the old you. My crazyy bitches that I loved more than anything :')