Saturday, March 19, 2011

Changing? No big deal

I've been thinking alot lately, thinking bout changing myself.
NO, not my appeariance peoplee, mark that. Well, maybe a little, hihi >.<
Changing myself into someone even better.
I know, banyak kali dah aku buat post macamni, but this time, aku nekad.
Aku nak berubah, berubah, and berubah!

Aku nak less mencarut, jyeah. Nak taubat babe, haha.
And for sure, pay more and more and more attention in class, and less sleeping.
Siapkan homework before hols. Prep buat homework, bukan buat bising.
Don't be lazzyyy, jangan banyak complain or whatevs laah :P
Don't be tooooo uhhh concious ( Wait, betul ke tu eja? LOL, who cares? :P )

And jangan cepat sangat marah or buat muka. Control mira control, pfffttt :\
Respect parents, teachers and seniors. Ehh ehh, bukann. Before ni, aku tak kurang ajar ehh, jangan salah faham pula. Aku budak baik laah, hihi :3
Don't talk too much mira, and ketawa tuu kurangkan sikit. Habis keluar ilmu kau tuu -,-
Stop daydreaming in class. ( Itu tak boleh janji laah, hee )
Focus in every subject especially GEOGRAPHY, SEJARAH, AGAMA and MATH.
Haih, lemah sikit on that 4 subjects.

Gotta lose more and more and more and more weight for sure, wanna be slim than ever :D
Play basketball like you mean it. You go girll, you can do it, ohyeah. 
Stay Tough Forever xD

Errr, there's more, but enn vee emm. So thanks fr reading this so-not-important thing,
jasa anda amat dihargai, haha :3

Yours truly,
miraaaaa :D